(916) 778-6523

Looking For A Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor in Sacramento?

Network Spinal Analysis in Sacramento

Doctor Joel Dickson, a Sacramento area Network chiropractor and owner of Evolved Spine Chiropractic

You have found Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) in Sacramento, CA area. Evolved Spine Chiropractic (an NSA office) is located in Sacramento county, right outside Sacramento, CA, in Gold River (near Rancho Cordova). You can check out our address on google maps by clicking: Gold River Chiropractor.

Dr. Dickson, the owner and chiropractor at Evolved Spine Chiropractic, is the leading Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) doctor of chiropractic in the area and has over a decade of experience specializing in this fantastic technique. Dr. Dickson is part one and part two certified in Network Spinal Analysis ( sometimes referred to as Network Spinal & Network Chiropractic). He attends national training programs consistently and regularly to stay at the leading edge of what the technique can offer.

If you are looking for an up-to-date Network chiropractic doctor in Sacramento, California, then Dr. Dickson is who you want to see. If you are ready to come in, use our online calendar to schedule by clicking here or calling the office at 916-778-6523 to schedule your first Network Spinal Analysis (Network Spinal) initial exam with Dr. Dickson.


Staying Up To Date With Network Chiropractic

Dr. Dickson is very dedicated to the mastery of Network Spinal Analysis (Network Spinal). He participates in Network-specific mastery groups with other up-to-date NSA chiropractors in the surrounding areas. It is essential to see an up-to-date Network Spinal chiropractor because the work has updated and evolved rapidly.

The Network technique taught ten years ago ( or even five years ago) is not the same Network Spinal taught today. The method even updated the name to “Network Spinal” in 2019 from “Network Spinal Analysis.” Even before “Network Spinal Analysis,” the technique was “Network Chiropractic.” You want to find an up-to-date Network Spinal (Network Spinal Analysis) doctor to get the best care and results possible.


Network Spinal Is For All Ages

Dr. Joel does Network Spinal with children of alla ges

Doctor Dickson gently entraining a two-year-old

Dr. Dickson performing network spinal with a patient

Doctor Dickson entraining a patient

Doctor Dickson treating a patient

Doctor Dickson entraining a patient

Doctor Dickson entraining a four year old child

Doctor Dickson gently entraining a four-year-old

Live In Other Sacramento Counties & Cities Like Roseville, Folsom, El Dorado Hills, Citrus Heights, Natomas, North Highlands, or Elk Grove?

Are you looking for a Network Spinal Analysis (Network chiropractic) chiropractor near Sacramento and in your city? All the above cities are within a stone’s throw of Sacramento and Gold River. Evolved Spine Chiropractic is located 3 minutes off highway 50, so it is easy for you to get to our office and enjoy your sessions (entrainments or Network adjustments) with us. Click: Contact page of Gold River chiropractor to get our office address and further contact information.

Picture of Sacramento



A Great Video Describing How Network Works 

Network chiropractic care is very experiential, and it’s best to experience it for yourself to see what results you will get from this unique type of care.  

Two Healing Waves Under Care

Two healing waves develop under care. One is a respiratory wave or breath wave. When this wave develops, people can connect and release stress and tension much faster in their bodies. The next wave is the Somato-Psychic wave.

Somato means body, and psychic means mind; therefore, this wave is a body-mind wave. The Somato-Pychic wave helps the person disrupt unuseful patterns in the body and mind, allowing them to express themselves more authentically and congruently with themselves. Basically, the Somato-Psychic wave helps us get rid of old programming (conditioning), so we can live in the present and respond to life in the present instead of reacting from our limited conditioning.

If you would like to learn more about Network Spinal Analysis (Network Spinal), then read more here: Learn About Network Spinal

Start Network Spinal Care Now With Dr. Dickson

If you are ready to start care with Network Spinal, then you can do that by:

  • Scheduling yourself with our online calendar located here: online scheduling or by
  • Calling our office at 916-778-6523
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